Would you like your business to start accepting credit card payments, but clueless as to where to start? Do you already accept credit cards but irritated by the high and often confusing fees? Eministration can orchestrate the process of allowing your business the option of accepting credit card payments or we can facilitate the savings for current businesses by cutting those high fees.
Why should your business accept credit card payments?
Businesses that accept credit card payments provide flexibility and convenience to their customers. While most people prefer to pay with cards rather than cash, accepting card payments can boost sales and attract new customers. Businesses offering flexible payment options increase cash flow as well as improved time management. Time that can be better spent making more sales! Accepting credit card payments also allows you the opportunity to review detailed sales reports based on your transactions.
How can Eministration help?
Eministration assists in finding the best business credit card solution that’s based on your workflows and business operations. We then provide full merchant services for that system or point-of-sale.
Eministration offers both traditional and non-traditional processing. Our fee reversal or zero-fee processing gives you the option to charge the normal fees associated with accepting credit cards to the customer at the time of processing instead of the business. Fee reversal can save your business thousands of dollars each month.
By providing this convenience to your customers, you have more revenue at the end of the month to grow your business. Let us help your business grow and enjoy low-cost processing solutions.